Warmest Greeting from " The Heart of West Nusa Tenggara " Discover the sweetest heartfelt smiles you could ever imagine. Only in Lombok you will be welcomed by the most beautiful Sasak Culture.


District Central Of Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara

Arround 17 Minute, 12 Km Only From Hotel Illira Lite Lombok  

The tourist guide came next, giving a brief introduction in what Sasak Sade Village is all about. According to him, the Sasak are the native people of Lombok. In fact, 700 people are currently residing in the village. And it is not a museum nor only for the tourists. But it is a real village that has been inhabited by the indigenous people of Lombok for a long time.

They are also mentioned that no outsiders live here. As such, they tend to marry their cousins. And marriage the Sasak way is unique. You have to kidnap your chosen bride! It’s not kidnapping like in the movies, though. There are rules and traditions that must be upheld throughout the kidnapping process. And if the kidnapping is successful, discussions between all parties proceed, leading to the marriage ceremony. The bride’s family sees the “kidnapping” as a sign of respect for their daughter